Before going to red hat we should learn about run levels
run levels are the commands
run levels
init0 - To shut-down
init1- Single user mode{password recovery}
init2- Multi user mode without NFS
init3- Multi User mode with NFS
init4- Multi User mode with NFS(IN GUI MODE)
init5- Multi User mode with NFS(DEFAULT RUN LEVEL)
init6- REBOOT
So first of all we will learn How to change a password
Some Basic Commands
Helping Commands
run levels are the commands
run levels
init0 - To shut-down
init1- Single user mode{password recovery}
init2- Multi user mode without NFS
init3- Multi User mode with NFS
init4- Multi User mode with NFS(IN GUI MODE)
init5- Multi User mode with NFS(DEFAULT RUN LEVEL)
init6- REBOOT
So first of all we will learn How to change a password
- Reboot Your System (Alt+Clt+Delete)
- In the OS selection Press E to Edit
- In the kernel version again press E
- Then Type (SPACE) 1
- Then Press B
- Type passwd (User-name)
- Type and Re-type the new password
Some Basic Commands
- date (show current system date)
- date -s (to set date)
- cal (calender)
- cal -y (shows entire year)
- cal -m(calender shows monday as first day of week)
- cal -s (sunday as the first day of the week)
- cal -j (shows the julien calender)
- cal -3 (shows current month with before and after)
Helping Commands
- Man (command name)
- info (command name)
- Whatis (command Name)
- (Command) --help
Chapter 1 Basics